83 brilliant books for small businesses: ultimate reading list for 2024

I love reading. Reading for business, marketing learning, pleasure. Reading actual physical books (paperback, preferably - hardbacks require being seated in a reading chair with a lamp, and are awkward to lug around). Also e-readers and audiobooks - sometimes just summaries of books - listened to at 1.5x speed at least (non-fiction authors have a habit of labouring a point beyond what is necessary).

My book compulsion means I’m in a position where I am great for book recommendations, so I decided to put these in a single list for you for World Book Day last year. Naturally, I got carried away. Then I asked my newsletter subscribers to make suggestions. And here we are. A mega list of brilliant books you might want to check out.

Oh, and I’ve added to the list for 2024, because we can never have too many books, right?!

I’ve tried to organise them for you in sections, and put in some notes. I hope to keep updating this list for you so feel free to bookmark it and come back when your to-read pile shrinks!

Before you get going, a confession. While I’ve read or listened to all of the books I recommend, some of them I never finished, some of them I didn’t particularly like. What they all have in common is the fact that they’ve taught me something new or changed my thinking in some way. I hope they do the same for you.

Karen holds Rebel Ideas by Matthew Syed.

* This post contains affiliate links. If you click on them and go on to buy something, I may earn a small commission. I’ve included links to both Hive (preferred place to buy books) and Amazon (nobody likes Bezos but some of us need to buy things at the cheapest price. Also not all books are available on Hive!).

Marketing books for small businesses

In no particular order; however, Lucy Werner and David Hieatt are my two big favourites! I’ve also contributed to Alice Benham’s book, out this summer, so highly encourage you to preorder it!

The Digital Marketing Handbook by Alice Benham

Alice and I speak the same language, and I was so happy when she asked me to write a small piece for her first book, The Digital Marketing Handbook.

Out in June, pre-order on Amazon.

Hype Yourself: A no-nonsense PR toolkit for small businesses by Lucy Werner

Seriously a book that should be on every small business owner’s shelf. You will learn SO MUCH about PR and hyping yourself, incredible value.
Check it out on Hive | Amazon

Do Open: How a Simple Email Newsletter Can Transform Your Business (and it can) - David Hieatt 

THE book for anyone thinking of starting email marketing, or who needs fresh inspiration.
Check it out on Hive | Amazon

Do Purpose: Why Brands with a Purpose Do Better and Matter More 

For when you need inspiration and a reminder why you started.
Check it out on Hive | Amazon

Contagious: How to Build Word of Mouth in the Digital Age

Check it out on Hive | Amazon

Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert B Cialdini

This book is an absolute beast and very academic. I recommend skim reading as there are great studies and anecdotes (and a lot of gross tactics and manipulation explained that reminded me why ethical marketing is so important to me!

Check it out on Hive | Amazon

Get Different: Marketing That Can't Be Ignored! by Mike Michalowicz 

This will make you think about one of the most basic building blocks of marketing (standing out) - especially at a time when there is so much competition for attention!

Check it out on Hive | Amazon

Content Inc.: Start a Content-First Business, Build a Massive Audience and Become Radically Successful (With Little to No Money) by Joe Pulizzi

Don’t judge me but I had a massive professional crush on Joe Pulizzi, the godfather of content marketing. I once got to speak to him on the phone and work I’ve done in my former corporate career is actually quoted in this book (unfortunately by the name of the company I worked for, rather than my actual name!).  

Check it out on Hive | Amazon

Content Rules: How to Create Killer Blogs, Podcasts, Videos, Ebooks, Webinars (and More) That Engage Customers and Ignite Your Business by Ann Handley

This is a book I dip in and out of from time to time because the lessons continue to give inspiration.

Check it out on Amazon 

Everybody Writes: Your New and Improved Go-To Guide to Creating Ridiculously Good Content - Ann Handley 

A must read for any content marketer who not only wants content to stand out, but wants their content to truly connect with their ideal buyers.

Check it out on Amazon

Business books I rate

Change Makers by Katy Murray

A woman’s guide to stepping up without burning out at work, by an exceptionally smart and kind author.

Check it out on Hive | Amazon

Zero to One - Notes on Startups or How to Build the Future - Peter Thiel with Blake Masters

Some interesting new ideas coloured in with anecdotes from big brands.

Check it out on Hive | Amazon

Profit First: Transform Your Business from a Cash-Eating Monster to a Money-Making Machine by Mike Michalowicz 

If you want to level up your business finances (and personal income from your small business), this is a great place to start.

Check it out on Amazon

Rebel Ideas by Matthew Syed

If you think the same thoughts as everyone else, you’ll get the same results as everyone else (sort of). Think differently.

Check it out on Hive | Amazon

The 4 Disciplines of Execution: Revised and Updated: Achieving Your Wildly Important Goals (WIGs) - by Sean Covey, Chris McChesney & Jim Huling 

This book looks boring and a lot of it is. But the idea of WIGs is brilliant and is something I often come back to in my marketing workshops.

Check it out on Amazon

Bring Your Product Idea to Life, by Vicki Weinberg

A super practical and simple guide that’s a perfect read for anyone thinking of starting a product business.

Check it out on Amazon

Personal development books for business owners

Atomic Habits by James Clear

The book I recommend to absolutely everyone. James Clear has also made new book bonuses available to anyone who has this book, and they are great.

Check it out on Hive | Amazon

You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero

This book is all about putting a stop to the doubts that stand between you and your own great and awesome life. It’s also the first book I read where manifesting made sense to me. 

Check it out on Hive | Amazon

Abundance by Deepak Chopra 

7 steps to a life with more peace, fulfilment and prosperity.

Check it out on Hive | Amazon

Untamed by Glennon Doyle

A call to authenticity for every people pleaser who has a cheetah inside.

Check it out on Hive | Amazon

Do Less Be More: How to Slow Down and Make Space for What Matters by Susan Pearse and Martina Sheehan

A great antidote to the never-ending compulsion to add things to the to-do list.

Check it out on Hive | Amazon

The Big Leap: Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level by Gay Hendricks

Think differently about your own path to greatness and what you can do about the obstacles in your way.

Check it out on Hive | Amazon

The Four Agreements: Practical Guide to Personal Freedom: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom (A Toltec Wisdom Book) - Don Miguel Ruiz

I really should get these on my wall (or as a tattoo). Be impeccable with your word. Don't take anything personally. Don't make assumptions. Always do your best.

Check it out on Hive | Amazon

Indistractible: How to Control Your Attention and Choose Your Life by Nir Eyal

I discovered this book in 2020 when I chose my word for the year: indistractible - thinking I’d come up with a brand new word for focus - and then found there was a whole book already written about it. I can’t help but look at it now and think how ironic it was that shortly after choosing this as my word of the year, a worldwide pandemic (very distracting) shifted not just my focus but that of the whole world! 

Check it out on Hive | Amazon

Four Thousand Weeks - Oliver Burkeman  

I didn’t really want to start reading this book, as I don’t like to be reminded of the fact that each of us only has about 4,000 weeks to live. However, it’s not about counting the weeks but making the weeks count, right?!

Check it out on Hive | Amazon

Ikigai: The Japanese secret to a long and happy life by Hector Garcia and Francesc Miralles

Such a simple idea, and a gentle reminder of what is really the most important. 

Check it out on Hive | Amazon 

Wabi Sabi: Japanese Wisdom for a Perfectly Imperfect Life by Beth Kempton

I just love Beth’s writing, and this is a gorgeous book full of wisdom.

Check it out on Hive | Amazon

Burnout: The Secret to Solving the Stress Cycle by Emily Nagoski and Amelia Nagoski

Women experience burnout differently from men, and this book helps them with simple and science-backed techniques to reduce stress and live more joyfully.

Check it out on Hive | Amazon

Flow: The Psychology of Happiness by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

Check it out on Hive | Amazon

Girl, Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis 

Stop believing the lies about who you are and become who you were meant to be. Trust me, it’s not true that everyone else apart from you has life figured out! A great book for anyone who has felt like an imposter about to be found out, like you’re not enough or that you’re behind where you should be.

Check it out on Hive | Amazon

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson

Counterintuitive but spot on if you want to be happier: just stop trying to be positive all the time!

Check it out on Hive | Amazon

Everything is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo

The title of this book has become a personal mantra to me and I’m sure many others!

Check it out on Hive | Amazon

For the curious and creative

Big Magic: How to Live a Creative Life, and Let Go of Your Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert 

When I read this book, I must admit to feeling it had been overhyped. So many people had recommended it to me and absolutely loved it. I only thought it was ok. However, some of the stories have stayed with me in the years since I read it, and so I must admit it is both memorable and worth reading. Maybe I should re-read it? 

Check it out on Hive | Amazon

Wired to Create: : Unraveling the Mysteries of the Creative Mind by Scott Barry Kaufman PhD and Carolyn Gregoire

This book is all about the "messy minds" of highly creative people, and covers topics such as imaginative play, daydreaming, solitude, intuition, sensitivity and so on. I think this will be highly relatable for many people who maybe feel at odds with traditional ideas of business success!

Check it out on Hive | Amazon

A Minute to Think by Juliet Funt

Stop the pursuit and glorification of busy with this book full of reminders of the importance of calm, rest and the things in life that really matter. And there’s lots of practical advice and tips in there too. 

I love this book title as it speaks so directly to the heart of overwhelmed people. The sub-title is: Reclaim Creativity, Conquer Busyness, and Do Your Best Work.

Check it out on Hive | Amazon

Whatever You Think, Think the Opposite by Paul Arden 

Risks, the confidence to roll the dice, the benefits of making bad decisions. All in a beautifully designed book perfect for dipping in and out of.

Check it out on Hive | Amazon

The Way of the Fearless Writer by Beth Kempton

If you are a writer or would like to be one, this is a book for you.

Check it out on Hive | Amazon

Steal like an artist by Austin Kleon

Check it out on Hive | Amazon

Creative Acts For Curious People by Sarah Stein Greenberg

A book all about thinking, creating and leading in unconventional ways.

Check it out on Hive | Amazon

For your relationships

The Book You Wish Your Parents Had Read (and Your Children Will Be Glad That You Did) by Philippa Perry

I know many small business owners also manage the juggle of parenthood, and this is probably the best parenting book I’ve ever read. 
Check it out on Hive | Amazon

The Art of Communicating by Thich Nhat Hanh   

5 steps to help you say what you really mean, listen with compassion and understanding, and so truly connect with others.

Check it out on Amazon

Listen Like You Mean It: How to Reclaim True Connection by Ximena Vengoechea 

Check it out on Hive | Amazon

You’re Not Listening: What You’re Missing and Why It Matters by Kate Murphy

Become better at any sort of conversation. 
Check it out on Hive | Amazon

Business ownership is political

Pleasure Activism: The Politics of Feeling Good by adrienne maree brown

Essays on the meeting point between joy, social justice, and personal fulfilment. 

Check it out on Hive | Amazon

Emergent Strategy: Shaping Change, Changing Worlds by adrienne maree brown

This book gets to the heart of the idea that instead of trying to fight the constant change of flux which is the world we live in, we can move with it. I must admit I find adrienne maree brown’s intellect intimidating and there were parts of the book where the concepts were too big for me to wrap my head around. That doesn’t take away from the fact that it’s a good and clearly important read. 

Check it out on Hive | Amazon

The body is not an apology by Sonya Renee Taylor

A book about the power of radical self-love and how it can be the balm to heal the wounds inflicted by oppressive systems.
Check it out on Hive | Amazon

We Should All Be Millionaires by Rachel Rodgers

A Woman’s Guide to Earning More, Building Wealth, and Gaining Economic Power  

Check it out on Hive | Amazon

Money mindset

You Are a Badass at Making Money: Master the Mindset of Wealth

Check it out on Hive | Amazon

Chillpreneur: The New Rules for Creating Success, Freedom, and Abundance on Your Terms by Denise Duffield-Thomas

Check it out on Hive | Amazon

Lucky Bitch: A Guide for Exceptional Women to Create Outrageous Success by Denise Duffield-Thomas

Check it out on Hive | Amazon

Get Rich, Lucky Bitch!: Release Your Money Blocks and Live a First-Class Life by Denise Duffield-Thomas 

Check it out on Hive | Amazon

(I must admit that these last 2 recommendations were both books with which I struggled. Some of this manifestation and money mindset books really make me roll my eyes, but if you can get over the utter nonsense then there are definitely some empowering nuggets in them.)

Favourite books by 5 amazing authors you should read

Brené Brown

The Gifts of Imperfection  

Dare to Lead  

Braving the Wilderness  

Rising Strong  

Daring Greatly   

All her books on Amazon

Adam Grant 

Think again -  The Power of Knowing What You Don't Know 

Give and Take: A revolutionary approach to success

Originals: How Non-Conformists Change the World

All his books on Amazon

Greg McKeown

Effortless: Make It Easier to Do What Matters Most

Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less

All his books on Amazon

Cal Newport 

Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World

Digital Minimalism: Choosing a Focused Life in a Noisy World

A World Without Email: Find Focus and Transform the Way You Work Forever 

All his books on Amazon

Seth Godin

The Infinite Game 

All Marketers Are Liars: The Underground Classic That Explains How Marketing Really Works--And Why Authenticity Is the Best Marketing of All 

The Practice: Shipping creative work  

Free Prize Inside: The Next Big Marketing Idea  

All his books on Amazon

5 books for coaches

My former client Jane Suter of Red Tiger Consultancy trains coaches and mentors, and she has graciously shared 5 books that she refers to in her coach training courses.

Here’s Jane:

Principles of NLP by O’Connor and McDermott. I got my first copy when I started my NLP training. I still refer to it even now. I don’t think it is still in print in this format but it can be bought for a penny on Amazon. I have given away at least 20 copies of this book.

The Goal by Eli Goldratt. This is a book that I read from cover to cover in a day. It’s based on Ops management (Theory of Constraints) and it written in the style of a novel. It was not a lightbulb moment for me but a whole field of solar panels discovering TOC. Life changing.

Seeing Systems by Barry Oshry. Any book that uses the term ‘Oppressed bottoms’ is a winner for me. The book is about Organisations and the ‘Stuff’ that happens in them. It describes all kinds of interactions in a simple way, has some weird writing styles, diagrams etc. and is a book that sparked laser beam moments.

Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman. I’ve actually read about a third of this before it got into heavy probability theories etc. It’s about decision making and explains how we can be influenced by our surroundings, the words people use, and the assumptions that we make. Neon lights!

Clueless by Sandra Mashihi and Ken Nowack. I’ve been to presentations by Ken and his work includes a lot of ‘brain research’ monitoring the effects that words, etc. have on the chemicals in the brain. This book has tons of research and covers a lot of theories including Bright Side vs Dark Side (which fascinates me as a lover of Star Wars). Lightsabers!


Book recommendations by brilliant business owners I know

Designer Leyla Alexander

I love 'Keep Going' by Austin Kleon. This book is full of tips around how to stay creative, especially on those days when you're stuck. From taking yourself on an artist date, going for a walk in nature or simply the encouragement to practice doing something for practice's sake - it's a dip-in-and-out gem of bitesize suggestions to keep you, well, going! 

Keep Going: 10 Ways To Stay Creative In Good Times And Bad by Austin Kleon on Amazon and Hive  


Katy Brown of The Vibrancy Hub:

Thrive by Arianna Huffington. My 'original' self development book, it holds buckets of inspiration and ideas to help you to feel happier and more energised, to feel like you are thriving in your life! It altered my perspective on so many parts of life and I recommend it to everyone; friends and clients. YUM!  


Leah Tillyer of Confidence Club:

An oldie but a goodie: Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway by Susan Jeffers. This was my gateway book into the self-help world and I first read it in my early 20s. Initially, I remember thinking it was a bit 'happy clappy' American but I couldn't put it down. Even in my early 20s, I found that fear held me back from so many of the things I wanted to do. Susan's stories and frameworks make the book engaging and practical.

My biggest takeaways from the book are, it's okay to be afraid, it doesn't mean that you can't do hard things and the only time we have is right now! After I'd finished the book in my 20s I ended up travelling around the world for 18 months - I'm not saying it will have this effect on everyone :D but it certainly put a lot of things in perspective for me.

I revisit the book every few years when needed and I recommend it to everyone that I can. As a confidence coach now, Susan's Jeffers outlook is foundational to what I do and believe. 


Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway by Susan Jeffers on Hive and Amazon

Helen Bee of B Double E:

Brand Yourself - by Lucy Werner & Harden Chatelet

Working with a good brand designer isn’t cheap. And it shouldn’t be when it’s done well. But it’s a cost that can feel very out of reach for a lot of startups - especially solopreneurs. But it’s so important to do & can help with consistent & confident marketing. There is A LOT of shit advice out there - so much of it is aggressive and heavily corporate. This book isn’t. It’s packed with practical things you can do yourself to start working out what your brand is.

Brand Yourself by Lucy Werner & Harden Chatelet on Hive and Amazon

Unashamed by Harry Baker 

Harry is someone I’ve seen perform live many times over the years. He’s a maths obsessed poetry world slam champion and half of a comedy rap jazz duo ‘Harry & Chris'. Now, if that hasn’t got you interested I don’t know what will! 

This book is full of his poetry based on his lockdown experience. But it is so much more than that. It’s word play, number play and a celebration of things that make us different and beautiful. I laughed & cried and occasionally thought maths wasn’t completely awful. 

As a small taste…

All the best bits of your story

are still yet to be unfurled.

You are the caterpillar

that becomes the butterfly

that flaps its wings

to cause an earthquake 

halfway around the world.

You are amazing.

And if they try

to rain on your parade,

let it remind you

how much fun it is

to party while it’s raining.

May you take up space

and stay there


Harry’s stuff is also very kid-friendly, so might be one your kids would enjoy too.


Sally Heady, cognitive hypnotherapist and mindset coach

Non-violent Communication by Marshall B. Rosenburg is the best book on communication I’ve ever come across. Rosenburg offers a practical framework to express our unmet needs or feelings from a place of compassion and connection, rather than judgement and shame.

I love the practicality of NVC. This book really helped me realise how much of the language we’re raised with is entrenched in blame, shame and guilt in order to manipulate us into doing what the other person wants. Whilst the NVC model requires thought and discipline, it empowers you to deal with difficult conversations much more compassionately and effectively

Sally recommends more personal development books on her blog.


Gender Equality Champion Virginia Mendez:

Period Power. I know it doesn’t sound like a biz book but as women entrepeneurs being able to understand our periods can be a game changer. Our hormones what are they and what they do, and how to work in a way that we harness the super power of every part of the cycle can be very empowering and it brings lots of results!


Michelle Gately of Word by Word Storytelling

I'd love to recommend Out of Office by Fiona Thomas. It's a super helpful book for beginner freelancers/business owners which dives into mental health and self care alongside practical business advice like getting clients and sorting your tax. Disclosure: Fiona is a close friend of mine, but this book is a godsend for starting out!

Out of Office by Fiona Thomas on Hive and Amazon


Chris Campbell, resilience coach

Man's Search For Meaning is Viktor E. Frankl's story of surviving 3 years as a prisoner in Nazi concentration camps during World War II.

Although you are aware of the atrocities of the concentration camps at every stage in the book, the real story is of one man's search for the meaning in staying committed to staying alive over the 3 year period, in a situation where he was reminded on a daily basis that there was little hope for survival.

This book will really help you appreciate the powerful impact changing your perspective can have on your life. A book filled with fragility and compassion - a beautiful read.


Suzy Glaskie of Peppermint Wellness

Playing Big by Tara Mohr (A Practical Guide for Brilliant Women Like You)

This is one of the best books I’ve ever read on understanding the conditioning that holds women back from playing big – and how we can overcome it.

It shows you how to detach from the “good student” mindset we learned at school and unleash our own voice. It also shares some excellent strategies for detaching ourselves from the need for praise and the fear of criticism.

As Tara explains: women who play big receive criticism. It’s a critical part of doing any meaningful, substantive work and something we need to view as a rite of passage in our journey to shining our light in the world.

Find on Amazon or Hive

What’s on your to-read pile? I’d love to hear! DM me on Instagram or sign up to my newsletter and let’s continue this conversation!