Forget hashtags - a social media lightbulb moment

"Forget hashtags."

I'm talking to a client who's struggling with consistently showing up in their marketing. And I'm telling them to not bother with hashtags.

WOAH. A marketing person saying don't use social media properly?

Exactly my friend. Because I'd rather you did marketing imperfectly than not at all.

When hashtags stop you from doing marketing

So many small business owners I've spoken to don't show up because they don't understand a feature of social media like hashtags or reels.

Is it the same for you?

Or maybe you worry about what aunty Pat or your old boss will think of your content?

Or you don't want to try something like video before you've had a haircut?

A social media permission slip

Let me be the one to tell you that none of this stuff matters as much as you think it does.

I’m yet to meet someone whose life or business changed because someone found them through a hashtag.

However I’ve met many whose DMs blew up after a vulnerable share or a relatable bit of content that opens the door to people telling you "me too!".

Because we enjoy some polished and aspirational content, but we crave authenticity.

Being real > being polished in marketing

So forget the hashtags if they are an obstacle to you showing up.

Unlearn overthinking and overpolishing.

Instead, share what lights a fire in your belly. Speak from the heart. Put your soul into your marketing. Be vulnerable, brave, and real. Speak to people like both you and they are real humans (because we are!).

THIS is when marketing connects, and when businesses are transformed.

I'd love to hear how this lands for you. Where have you been falling into the trappings of marketing conditioning? Drop me a note.

This blog post first appeared as an email sent to my subscribers.

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Karen Webber