The slippery slope of marketing ruts

If you find yourself in a rut with your marketing, feeling demotivated and disillusioned with it all, you could be on a very slippery slope.

A slippery slope that doesn't serve you or your business, and that gets harder to escape from the longer you stay on it. And I want to help you get off this slippery slope asap.


Because getting stuck in a marketing rut inevitably leads to less showing up, less visibility, fewer sales and fewer opportunities.

But it doesn’t have to get this far because you can avoid this path and get back on track.

Here's how you can start finding your way out of a marketing rut.

1️⃣ Become aware of what staying in a rut is costing you right now. Is lack of joyful marketing costing you sales? Is marketing draining your energy and love of your business? Is marketing taking up too much headspace and not bringing in the results you want and need?

2️⃣ Reconnect with your why. Are you running this business to have an impact in the world? To have more financial freedom? Whatever your purpose, remembering that you are doing this for good reason can help you snap out of your marketing funk.

3️⃣ Play with what it might look like if you stuck 2 fingers up at the "rules" of marketing and just did what brought you joy... Imagine how riotous that could feel!

4️⃣ Think about how marketing can become a habit that feels light and easy in your business - even joyful!

And if you feel you would benefit from a bit of a helping hand to get out of your rut (in the form of my expertise and a community of like-minded people providing camaraderie and accountability) then get on the Rut to Riot waitlist.

I’m not shy to say this is a brilliant programme, as I’ve run it twice before and people loved it.

I’ll share a discount code with people on the waitlist this week, so jump on it if you want to end this year feeling optimistic, excited and inspired about marketing!

Remember, marketing doesn’t have to be perfect to be effective. But it does need to happen! So if you’re ready to take some messy action, consider the 4 tips I shared above, and get onto the Rut to Riot waitlist.

Karen Webber