Goodness Marketing

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3 reasons we fail at marketing goals

As we limp towards the end of the first month of the year, I have a question for you.

How sure are you that you’ll stick to your new year’s resolutions for all of 2024?

Apparently only 6% of people manage to!

What about your business goal(s)? Do you think you’ll achieve it?

It seems most small biz owners are in one of 3 camps.

❌ don’t firm up goals (“it’s in my head”)

🌙 shoot beyond the moon, accepting early on they won’t get there

📉 go low out of fear of failure

But what if we really, really want to achieve that goal? Or NEED to? Because for most of us, this business isn’t just a hobby.

Why business and marketing goals aren’t reached

So let’s look at 3 reasons why we fail to hit our marketing goals, and what we can do instead.

The myth of perfection

We’ve been sold an impossible dream. Most marketing advice is aimed at big brands with multi-talented teams, juicy budgets, and all the time in the world (seemingly).

Don’t hold yourself to those standards. Stop following those rules/blueprints/formulas. Forget trying to do “perfect” marketing. it doesn’t exist.

Instead, be practical enough to recognise you have limited time and resources, and courageous enough to take messy, imperfect marketing action anyway.

Lack of accountability

Solopreneurship can be a lonely affair. Yes, you can write down your goals, you can have mantras up in your office and a beautiful vision board spurring you on.

But there’s something about being part of a group of people who are on the same path as you.

It’s easier and more fun when you do this work surrounded by cheerleaders who can answer questions, commiserate, and just check in.

Who are your people? How can you build community accountability in your business?


The best-laid marketing plans are one of the first things to fall by the wayside when things get busy.

And then when things get quiet, we desperately do ALL the marketing.

This feast-and-famine inconsistency is confusing for our people and tiring for us, so what’s the alternative?

Little and often.

Sustainable habits. Dedicated time. Finding easier and more enjoyable ways of doing marketing, so consistency feels good.

Help is at hand!

The Do Crew helps with all of this and more, and doors are currently open until 5 February.

Look forward to...

🎬 messy, imperfect, supported action-taking

👩🏻‍👦🏻‍🧒🏻 can-do camaraderie - you are not alone!

📆 weekly sessions that feel good + let you get marketing done!

And much more besides.

Here’s what Leyla says about the Do Crew.

"I love the accountability that the Do Crew gives me, setting aside time each week to nudge my marketing along.

It’s been so much better to be encouraged to take some baby steps rather than do nothing at all.

This isn’t just another membership. It’s dedicated time each week to work on my marketing with a brilliant expert on hand to guide me."

Doors to the Do Crew open 3 times a year, and you can now join until 5 February (or if you read it after this date, get on the waitlist!). Email subscribers can get their first month for half-price!