Gentle Marketing Reset FAQs

If you're considering joining the Gentle Marketing Reset, you may have some questions. I've tried to answer some of the commonly asked ones here, but if you have a specific question, ask away!

I promise I'll always be honest and won't recommend you do something that I don't think is right for you!


I can't make all the sessions. Will I still get value?

There are at least 10 live sessions over the 3 months. Most people don't come to all of them. The workshops are usually the best-attended, but then there are also people who prefer to watch those on catch-up.

From the feedback of previous programmes I know that people get most value if they attend at least some of the sessions live (they’re a great place to get to know others on the programme and also ask questions specific to your situation).

Do I get ongoing access to the content?

Yes, for as long as Goodness Marketing is around, the content will sit on a dedicated private space on my site. This includes the bonus interviews with guest experts on the topics of podcasting, social media and SEO (more to come).

Will I meet other business owners?

You will, and I can tell you now there are some AWESOME people who come along on this programme.

In addition to having the option to be profiled in the members' area so others can check out your business and connect with you, you will get to know each other pretty well during the sessions.

Because people got along so well on previous programmes, I added a wrap party - a chance for everyone to come together at the end of the programme, hang out, celebrate success and set a marketing intention for the future. (Some have also paired up as ongoing accountability buddies!)

I'm only just starting my business. Is it for me?

Probably, yes (but please ask me directly if you're not sure). While this is a reset rather than starting marketing from scratch, the programme is all about building solid foundations and creating sustainable long-term habits. We'll cover the sorts of things I wish I'd done when I started Goodness Marketing!

What level of 1:1 access is there?

This tends to be a smallish group with lots of hands-on support from me. There's plenty of time for asking questions (in all 3 types of sessions), and you can ask me questions via email in-between sessions, too.

But the best bit is that you also get a 1:1 accountability call after the programme, to help you keep up the good work!

Is there a payment plan?

Yes! Details will be shared when the next date is announced.

There are also limited free spaces for business owners from marginalised backgrounds.

How much time will it take?

This depends on you and your level of participation.

If you only came to the workshops, that will be an hour a month. If you came to all the sessions and spent an hour on each workbook, you'd need 12 hours over the 3 months (+ your 1:1 call in the following quarter).

When will you run the Gentle Marketing Reset again?

The next Gentle Marketing Reset will run from March 2023. Join the interest list here.

Will it change my business fortunes overnight?

Trick question!

I can't promise it's going to transform your business overnight, but I can share with you some of the feedback from previous Resetters.

The value for money is incredible. The thing that really sat with me is that marketing doesn’t need to be overwhelming. I have gone from feeling blocked and frustrated to enjoying my marketing efforts and looking forward to seeing how my audience interacts with it. This motivation has meant that I feel more creative and that brings a level of confidence which is something I didn’t think could have been possible.
I honestly think it’s worth every penny. I didn’t utilise the opportunities for support as much as I could have which is a little disappointing (a lot going on for me), but the recordings and the workbooks still keep you on track with the programme.
I found your course really helpful. I loved that as the title says it was a gentle reset and we focused on the things I enjoy doing and can keep implementing them into my business. E.g I hate being on camera but I now blog and continue to post regularly. I also loved the workbooks because they had clear instructions with examples.

Got a different question about Gentle Marketing Reset? Drop me a line and ask away!