Unlearning Marketing: Sell Your Stuff, Not Your Soul

How does the word "marketing" make you as a small business owner feel?

Uncomfortable, because you think you need to force your message onto people who don't want to hear it?

Overwhelmed, because there are so many "experts" telling you doing things their way is the only way you'll ever be successful?

Disheartened, because you feel you keep trying different tactics but success eludes you?

I get it. For as long as people have sold things to other people, it has been about finding ways to exert control over the actions of others. And for many of us, that feels gross.

Allow me to introduce you to a new way of thinking about marketing, designed to unshackle you from all the marketing “shoulds” you’ve been told you need to do.

Prepare to not only feel clearer and more positive about your marketing, but also inspired and as if marketing can actually be something that brings you joy in your business and life!

What’s involved

In this workshop, you will get an introduction to:

  • What are some of the dark arts of marketing and why they are unsustainable.

  • How to think about marketing in a new way.

  • How to start developing a purposeful and effective marketing strategy that benefits you, your customers/clients and the wider world.

  • How to plan better content that is a joy to create.

What’s included:

  • A prerecorded training video (35 minutes long). No sales pitches, just good theory and practical info delivered by me.

  • A worksheet with exercises to support your learning.

Cost: £20

What others have said

That was fabulous. So good to hear my instincts were right.
— Kate Hughes, owner of Fingers and Thumbs
I really enjoyed it. It makes tonnes of sense to me!
— Karen Taylor, business mentor
I found it really helpful!
— Francesca Newton, owner of Ecopia and Eve Writing Services

Got a question about this workshop? Drop me a line and ask away! Ready to book? Click below to buy and get instant access.