Marketing affirmations

Marketing affirmations


Feeling a bit low on marketing mojo? I’ve got just the thing!

For years I’ve been covering my computer in post-its with affirmations that help me show up in my business. They are a reminder of what’s really important and why I do marketing, and they often give me a boost just when I need it.

So I’ve compiled 23 powerful Goodness Marketing inspired affirmations to help you go from meh to motivated.

All you need to do is download this document and either print or write down the affirmations (feel free to tweak them to suit your situation too!). Look at them frequently and internalise the positive marketing inspiration!

Use these little gems as a trusty cheerleader, an inner voice of confidence, the counter balance to doubt, fear and negative self talk when it comes to marketing.


This is a free resource for subscribers to my weekly marketing newsletter. Downloading it means you consent to being subscribed (but you can unsubscribe at any time).

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