Can we have some real authenticity in marketing?
Here's something you might not know about me.
I love when Zoom calls with clients get interrupted by a dog/child/delivery. Seriously, I do.
I also love when I get invited to clients' houses for a meeting. I particularly love it when they need to move a pile of stuff to make a space for us to sit, or if their kids are running around.
I absolutely LOVE when they have a dog or bring their dog with them to a meeting.
And during our Do Crew sessions, I love it when members eat lunch, rock a baby, wear PJs, or just pop in for 5 minutes to say hi to everyone before a customer walks into their shop or something else needs their attention.
Why do I love all of this so much?
Because this is REAL. It's real humans running imperfect businesses alongside messy, joyful, interesting and multi-faceted lives.
THIS is the elusive "authenticity" that social media managers and AI robots try to emulate but can never quite nail 100%.
Here's the thing: I'm tired of the polished nature of social media. Aren't you? We ALL have piles of stuff around the house (right?!). And the luckiest among us have dogs, too 😉
It's boring to look at make-believe posts of perfect workspaces, gorgeous home offices, calendars that run like clockwork, sEvEnFiGuRe Succc3$$ and other such nonsense.
Give me low-level chaos over that any day of the week.
So here's a heartfelt plea and encouragement to be more real in your marketing. To resist the pressure for perfect. To challenge the belief that our people want polished, pretty and precise, rather than gloriously, joyfully and deliciously human.
“Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.”
This piece of writing first appeared in one of my weekly emails to my Goodness Marketing email community.
It’s free and full of lots of good content.