Goodness Marketing

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The ABC of marketing coaching

I used to think coaching is something for other people, not me. The thought of having a fitness coach push you beyond your limits was unthinkable torture. That was until I was coached into doing more physically than I ever thought possible. And weirdly, I enjoyed it, because the coach was nothing like how I had thought fitness coaches were like, and I got the results I wanted.

You might wonder if marketing coaching is the right option for you - after all, surely you can just read a few blogs, watch tutorial videos and set yourself some targets? The thing is, oftentimes trying to do things - marketing, fitness - yourself only gets you so far. If you want to do more and do better, a coach can help you with three specific areas where the DIY approach often fails.

I call these three areas the ABC of marketing coaching: Accountability, Bravery and Cornerstones. Let’s take a closer look.

Sure, you may give yourself a hard time if you don’t go for that run or you don’t write that blog post. But it’s easy to make excuses to yourself, isn’t it. You’re more likely to go for a run on a rainy December day if you’ve agreed to go with a friend than if you just said to yourself you’ll go.

On my marketing coaching calls, we agree your desired outcomes and the steps you are going to take to get there. And on the next call, and in-between, I’ll be checking up on you to see how you’re getting on. Rationalising excuses, smoothing the hiccups, encouraging you and reminding you why you’re doing this - helping you to keep your eyes on the prize!

Old ways won’t open new doors, so if you want to get better results, you’ll have to do things in new ways. This requires bravery, and sometimes even the most courageous person needs a little bit of encouragement to get out of their comfort zone.

What a good marketing coach does is gives you the courage that you can do scary things - but they don’t just push you out of the nest and hope you can fly. They are there with you every step of the way, including if/when things go wrong. They help you learn from experiments that didn’t turn out the way you’d hoped they would and refocus your efforts.

So much marketing advice is geared towards saving time and making quick wins. Those things are important, but you can find “hacks” anywhere. What’s far more valuable than that is solid cornerstones - the basic building blocks that ensure your marketing strategy is effective and sustainable for the long run.

It’s unlikely you’ll work with a marketing coach forever (that’s more of a consultant or employee). So a good marketing coach will set you up for independent future success rather than keep trying to upsell you or make more money off you.

Therefore my marketing coaching is designed to teach you the skills, knowledge of marketing theory and creative principles that will allow you to go away and apply them without me holding your hand.

I suggest you buy a new notebook before we start…

I’m now taking bookings for marketing coaching in 2019, with early bird discounts available until December 17th. Click below to find out more about how it all works or get in touch for a chat to see if we’re a good fit!