Testimonials of the Do Crew

Doors to the Do Crew open very soon and early-bird bonuses will be available. So make sure you’re on the waitlist!

Meet the business owners who are getting marketing done in the Do Crew and having a great time while doing so!

Not sure what the Do Crew is? Click to find out!

Being part of Do Crew has totally revitalised me, I cannot express how much I am enjoying being part of the club.

The combination of Karen’s epic knowledge, weekly co-works and monthly topics has definitely made me a better marketer.

Plus, for the first time ever, I went away for two weeks and had all my marketing batched and ready to go, thanks to the Do Crew!
— Laura Ott, Hair Ott

“I love the Do Crew as it keeps me up to date with marketing movements, provides ideas to inspire me into action and each month has a different topic which either trains me in another area, makes me polish up what I already do in that area or increases my activity.

In short, the Do Crew gets me thinking about and actioning parts of my marketing that I would neglect if left to my own devices!

Karen has a lovely style too, very friendly, welcoming and open so she makes you feel at home in the Do Crew.”

~ Cheryl Peavoy, Homeopath

“Do Crew really helps to focus your mind on your marketing activities for just 1hr. Over the month you can achieve more than you realise! Love the extra training videos and focus of the month. Having access to Karen's marvellous marketing brain is the biggest plus for me.”

~ Neela Prabhu, Homeopathic Harmony

As a small business and wearer of many hats, marketing often takes last place on the to do list, however the ‘Do Crew’ bumps it up that list with weekly sessions, useful tips and insights and helps me to make time to work on my business rather than in it. And it’s fun too!
— Sarah Laker, owner of Stationery Supplies

“The Do Crew is a beautiful, friendly community led by a seriously talented (but also fun) marketing pro. A godsend for those of us who work remotely and crave connection.”

~ Liz Malone-Johnstone, Bureau43

“I love the Do Crew for the accountability and shared experience of it. Karen is very knowledgeable and shares so many good tips. I love it.”

~ Helen Fenton, Wild Women Sanctuary and Orange Bloom Yoga

“I love the camaraderie of the Do Crew and the fact that Karen always can look at what I'm doing and point me in the direction of doing marketing that feels good and authentic to me!”

~ Sandra Pamela Palmer, The Brummy Artist

Joining the Do Crew was one of the best decisions I made for my business (and for me). Not only does it give me the ‘I’m not doing this alone’ vibes and a sense of community connecting with other brilliant business owners, but I’m also loving Karen’s helpful mini-trainings to bring some focus to my marketing efforts. I simply would not have prioritised my business for at least 1 hour per week while I’m flat-out busy on client work if it were not for the brilliant co-working sessions that give me the accountability I need to get stuff done! Thank you Karen for having me in your Do Crew 😃
— Sammy Phillips, kohlabcreative.com

I love being a member of the Do Crew for the connections, community and support. The co-working sessions have been game changing in terms of me protecting time to work on my business marketing no matter how busy with client work I am. I love Karen's ethical and fun approach and always look forward to the Do Crew calls - it's fabulous value for money, I can't recommend it enough!

I love how little time the Do Crew takes from my month yet the impact it’s having is huge. I feel less overwhelmed and more confident plus my reach, followers, email list and sales are increasing month on month! But most of all, its so reassuring to know I have an expert on hand who can answer any of my queries.
— Caroline Kelf, DJ Flourish

The Do Crew really helps to keep me motivated. It also keeps me aligned to my message so I don't feel like I'm doing anything that feels "icky" or sleezy. I've also learnt that it's not all about social media and I feel confident in a variety of marketing mediums. And the membership hardly takes up any of my time, which is a huge bonus for me!

I’m getting tons of value from it. Every session there’s something that I can take forward and take action on.

I’m also learning shed loads from other people in the group who are running their own businesses.

If you don’t naturally have that marketing know-how (I definitely don’t) then I would really recommend it as a good place to gain value and to push you forward.

It’s been really useful to me to be part of the Do Crew and I’d really recommend it.
— Heather Sargeant, Bosky Publishing

I properly love the Do Crew - it has incentivised me A LOT! And I really look forward to the sessions. Marketing has felt effortless and fun! Absolute bargain, highly recommend.
— Katya Willems of katyasmicroadventures.co.uk

When I read the Do Crew spiel, I felt Karen had created a bespoke membership especially for tardy old me. Honestly, I felt so seen that it was a teensy bit scary 😂.

I thought: “Yes! I’m in! I want to get sh*t done! I want all my great business and marketing plans to come to fruition instead of starting and languishing!” Et voila, this is what the Do Crew membership gives me space and support to do.

The weekly calls help me carve out time to progress my plans and to connect with others doing the same. Do Crew is helping me get sh*t done and I’m here for it. 🙌🏾 If you want to embrace imperfect action and learn through doing, come join us. 💛

~ Talia Loderick, Money Coach, Cardiff

“I really enjoy the Do Crew. It's only an hour a week and in that hour you have the chance to sit down, really focus on your marketing and get some top tips. Karen just has a way of explaining things simply and in a fun way, and it makes you really want to get on with stuff. Also she's really great at keeping us accountable!

In the time that I've spent on the Do Crew sessions I've met some really interesting people. I’ve made connections which has enabled me to get on with other stuff in my business which is just an added bonus.

So I really encourage you if you're thinking about getting some support for your marketing to do it. It's a small investment for a big reward so yeah get on and do it, it's great!”

~ Cheryl McDonald, Silver Birch Coaching

I love being part of the Do Crew! I always had to-do lists full of ideas for my marketing but sadly, when I’m busy with client work putting those ideas into action is one of the first things to slide to the bottom of the list.

I love the accountability that the Do Crew gives me, setting aside time each week to nudge my marketing along. It’s been so much better to be encouraged to take some baby steps rather than do nothing at all.

The best thing about the Do Crew though is Karen and the value she delivers. Each month Karen shares a mini-training on a different marketing related topic, which I love! Then in each session, we get another mini-training before getting on with putting everything into action.

So it’s so much more than co-working. Karen is there, on hand to offer advice and answer questions about our marketing. And the accountability I get from my fellow Do-Crewers is ace :)

This isn’t just another membership. It’s dedicated time each week to work on my marketing with a brilliant expert on hand to guide me.
— Leyla Alexander, designer and creator of You Are the Sea

Hayley Brown of Bodyspace Movement says she finds the Do Crew “invaluable”!

“I get very overwhelmed with all the multiple tasks associated with not just actually working in the business, but working on the business. Marketing is something I have really avoided for a long time because I just wasn't entirely sure where to start!

Working with the Do Crew and Karen has been fab because it's helped me break down the tasks into really tiny little actionable steps and therefore I feel like I'm making progress at a pace that I can actually handle - whilst also continuing with running the business.

So sign up for Do Crew! It's the most productive hour of the week and the co-working sessions make me feel less alone. I love Do Crew!”