Blogging to Boost Your Business

A self-paced course to help you save time creating the best marketing content you’ve ever created!

You know blogging is still one of the most successful marketing tools in the arsenal of the small business owner. It makes your site do better in search, it gives you stuff to post about on social media, and it allows you to share your knowledge and expertise - which helps people to buy from you.

Then why aren’t you doing it?

Here’s what people tell me.

“I don’t have time for blogging!”

“Blogging is hard!”

“I’m not a writer!”

“It’s just another channel.”

“What on earth could I write about?”

“Where will I find photos?”

“How do I get people to read my blog?”

“I told you, it’s hard!”

I hear you. But what if I told you that there is a way for you to turn blogging into something that feels simple, brings value to your business and is an enjoyable marketing activity?

Marketing strategist Karen Webber looks at the camera, smiling, in front of an open notebook and with a pen in her hand.

Can I learn how to blog for business?

I get that blogging - or content creation in general - can feel overwhelming. There are so many “shoulds” out there. So many experts claiming to have a secret formula to blogging success, and others saying their way is the best and only way to be successful.

With so many opinions and secrecy it’s no wonder that you feel unsure of what to do or even where to start.

My approach is different. I’ve been creating content for businesses for nearly two decades: I’ve seen the good, the bad and the absolutely awful approaches to blogging for business.

I want to break things down for you into manageable chunks: logical parts which give you the tools you need to create great content and enjoy doing it. And you can work through it at your own pace, with direct access to me to help if you get stuck.

Blogging to Boost Your Business gives you a safe, relaxed and enjoyable space to learn how to create great content for your business.


Blogging to Boost Your Business: the self-paced course

Everyone learns at different speeds and has different time commitments. That is why, after running this course as a series of live online workshops in Summer 2020, I decided to make it available as a self-paced course in 2021.

That means you can pause the videos when you need to digest something a bit longer before moving on, and you can condense your learning if you have the time to dedicate to it. It’s completely up to you.

Each of the eight modules consists of a video and a related workbook full of practical exercises to help you start to apply your new learning to your business.

Here is what we cover in the course.


1: Understand

  • Why blogging is a good idea for small businesses.

  • How blogging and social media work together.

  • How blogging makes your site perform better in search.

  • An intro to effective repurposing strategies.

2: Mindset

  • A new mindset for content creation (forgetting the shoulds, finding your own way and experiencing joy in the process!).

3: People

  • Getting clarity on your audience.

  • Establishing your tone of voice (it’s simpler than you might think).

4: Plan

  • Working out what content themes you could be writing about.

  • Identifying good formats and topics for your blog.

  • Developing a content planner that works for you.

5: Time

  • Ideas to kickstart things.

  • Quick wins.

  • How to plan your content.

  • What to look for if you plan to outsource any of your content creation.

6: Write

  • Elements of a good blog post.

  • Using journalistic principles in your blogging.

  • What to bear in mind for good SEO (search engine optimisation).

7: Boost

  • How to promote blog posts.

  • Reusing content.

8: Impact

  • What to look for when you’re measuring success.

  • Interpreting your stats to inform your future strategy.


What others have said about Blogging to Boost Your Business

Blogging to Boost Your Business has been more than an eye opener. Karen has a unique way of getting you committed to your “Why” at every stage of your creative process. She’s not only a font of marketing knowledge but her attention to detail, use of evidence based planning techniques and excellent delivery style when public speaking has given me the confidence to take giant leaps within my own social media business - PinkLeaf Social.
— Yolanda Sissing
Karen’s blogging course has been great. She’s given me a mountain of ideas and a new-found enthusiasm for blogging. I’ve written blogs for a few years but never with purpose, direction or confidence. That has changed since going on the course.
— Helen Bee
I’ve been blogging for years and I enjoy it. But I definitely wasn’t being strategic enough about it. Karen got me thinking about every aspect of blogging - especially coming up with content ideas and titles that are actually going to interest the reader! I learnt a lot about upping my SEO game and how to re-use blog content to create social media posts. I now feel armed with a wealth of tools to get the most out of all my blogposts. Karen is a very motivating and passionate trainer and really knows her stuff!
— Katya Willems, Instagram expert, Easyinstamcr

Is this the right course for you?

Blogging to Boost Your Business is for you if you:

  • Think blogging might work for you, but you don’t know where to start.

  • Have tried blogging in the past but it’s felt like too much effort for not enough reward.

  • Want to blog, but struggle to find the time to do it consistently.

  • Don’t know which topics to write about.

  • Need your website to perform well in search results pages.

It is not for you if you:

  • Already have a very successful blog which you post to regularly with no hassle.

  • Can’t commit the time to working through the course (the videos are about 3.5 hours in total, and each accompanying workbook - though optional - will take you between 30 minutes and 2 hours to complete).

  • Are happy to just make things up as you go along and don’t see the benefit in doing some thinking and planning upfront. 

Sign up for Blogging to Boost Your Business

The course is hosted on Thinkific and once you buy it, you get immediate access to it.

The course will be retired after 7 September 2022. I’m not saying this to create scarcity so you buy it now. Things move so quickly in digital marketing and it is a pain to constantly update something of this magnitude (for example when I first recorded this, TikTok didn't exist!). After it's been retired, I may rework elements of the course as standalone workshops in 2023.

So this really is the last time you'll be able to access this complete course on blogging.

The course is usually £200, but until its retirement it will be £180. No code needed - it's already discounted and ready to buy at the discounted price.

Bonus! 3 live sessions!

This autumn there will be 3 free live bonus sessions for anyone who’s ever taken this course.

They will take place on Zoom between September and November and will be part Q&A, part coworking and part inspiration/kick up the backside to actually get those blogs written!

Sessions will be recorded and will get added to the course content on Thinkific.


Tuesday 20 September 12:30 - 2pm UK time

Tuesday 18 October 9:30 - 11am UK time

Monday 14 November 1 - 2:30pm UK time

In case you’ve scrolled down to this button and missed the news, please note this course will only be available until 7 September 2022, when it will be retired. The course content will remain available to anyone who has bought it.

Karen knows everything you need to know about marketing. She’s incredibly generous with her knowledge, full of passion and enthusiasm, and you’ll find yourself feeling inspired in no time! She’s also a lovely person. I highly recommend her.
— Sara Starling Voice Over Artist

Nice things people have said about my marketing training

Karen took the fear out of marketing and changed the way I looked at promoting my business. After the workshop I feel more focused and enthusiastic to market myself and my work.
— Helen, designer
Karen’s advice is absolutely spot on! If you’re looking for someone who is honest, knows their stuff, enthusiastic and keen to help small businesses then look no further.
— Sarah, shop owner
I’ve learnt more in these couple of hours with Karen than in years of trying to figure it out.
— Aarti, restaurant owner

Got a question about Blogging to Boost Your Business? Drop me a line and ask away! Ready to book? Click below to buy and get instant access.