Gentle marketing inspired by nature

marketing like snowdrops.

Signs of Spring are everywhere in my corner of the world.

First up were the snowdrops. They start springing up at the end of January, when it often feels like things are just hard, challenging and never-ending.

These snowdrops (and soon after the crocuses, daffodils, blossoms and other sprigs of joy) remind us that hibernation will soon be over.

That there will be more light, life and colour. They are a symbol of hope and of how even the most delicate thing will bloom if it just does a bit of growing every day.

Snowdrops are the perfect metaphor for how I view marketing right now.

Marketing lessons from nature

Snowdrops don’t have calendars. They just do what feels right.

That’s a measure of successful marketing for me. Marketing that feels true to you. Authentic (an overused word when it comes to marketing). It’s about not trying to be or do anything other than who and what you are.

For example if you don’t like sending daily emails to your audience, or you don’t want to do Reels, or you don’t like unethical marketing practices like fuelling FOMO through fake scarcity, but you follow some advice that says that’s the “right” way to sell or do marketing, you won’t bloom.

You’ll start to resent marketing. The energy behind your marketing will be off - and it will show.

Snowdrops don’t try to be daffodils. They just do their snowdroppy thing.

Good marketing takes time

We notice the white blooms on snowdrops when they’re standing a few inches above the soil. Did they just pop up overnight? Of course not.

There has been a lot of growing that has been happening out of eyesight for months, just under the surface. Then the determined stems pushed through the soil in what can be seen as imperfect conditions - frozen soil, persistent rain and snow.

And finally, they bloom.

Sound familiar? Grafting in the dark, working on your business, posting on social media with little growth at first, writing blog posts but not seeing a significant increase in site traffic, just hoping it will have the desired effect.

Then one day: a breakthrough. It doesn’t necessarily feel like the “right time”, but you see those green shoots that tell you you’re on the right track.

And finally, the results.

Gently spring into Spring marketing

For many of us, Spring feels like the real start of the year. We’ve settled into the year and have a bit more energy, with one eye on summer too. It’s a great time to reset.

That’s why after the Easter break I will run my Gentle Marketing Reset for the 6th time, and of course you’re invited.

The Gentle Marketing Reset has evolved from a super intensive bootcamp in January 2021 to the slow, gentle, 12-week programme it is today.

It has clear themes, lots of opportunities to connect with others and to have my support as you implement your learnings. There’s also a 1:1 accountability call to help you keep up the momentum!

Interested? Join me for the gentlest marketing reset yet!